So I got my first job as a front-end web developer

study for 40min … a day ?

No I mean study for 40 min then go play games, walk or anything for like 10 min. This way if you do this multiple times a day like 5 times. Everything you learned will be remembered instead of trying to do tutorials and FCC questions hour after hour

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yeah, you probably right.

You are in a great pain?

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Wow this just made my day, I just started learning programming oct 6. Im super excited right now and hope to be a junior developer by june 2017. I also start my bootcamp jan 9th. Im hungry right now and I just reached the jQuery section.

Im looking forward to javascript as I want that to be my main language.

glad to hear that :slight_smile:
my advice to you is to learn JS before jQuery.
good luck on your journey

Congratulations from France :wink:

It’s so motivating for beginners to see what it is possible to be done.

@TinyRick88 That is very inspiring!!! I started to learn how to code to get out of the oil field and the whole truck driving aspect of it as well. I was thinking last night, “can I get a front end developer job once I get the certification here?”. My question was just answered, thank you for that!!

Congratulations.Keep up the good work!

hahah …nice :slight_smile:

Congratulations!! Keep learning and remember to not ever stop!

Congratulations for your job(even thought I’m a bit late). Your story gives me hopes that it will work for me if I dedicate myself more. I started coding recently and I’m really happy with my newfound HTML and CSS skills so far( I knew 0 about coding). I just wish I could give up my job as well to dedicate more time to this, but I’ll have to work with what time I have. I got great tips from here. Thank you for sharing your story.

Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your experience:)

@TinyRick88 Congrats!!! I’m super happy for you and thanks for sharing your experience. :tada::tada::tada:

that’s dope! Congrats

Congratulations !!:slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing. Great job and congrats!

Congratulations for your new job! And thanks for sharing!

Congrats on your new job! All best wishes @TinyRick88

Congratulations for your first job.
Make sure to keep your learning habits continue as before.
Keep on learning new things every day .
Promise yourself to learn new thing every day.