Personal Portfolio - Review and feedback

Hi all, I would appreciate any feedback/suggestions. Thanks :slight_smile:

That is sweet @Max-LAB,

I really like the online CV design idea and the profile pic/menu on the left that scrolls done with you is awesome.

I’m not really qulaified to offer any criticism of your work at all - this is my effort for the same project
But after seeing yours, I think I’ll give up :sob:

Nah, not really - what you’ve produced here is where I want to get to.

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Hi @Arthurauthor thank you for a reply and feedback. I’m really glad that you like my idea. :slight_smile::+1:
Try to replicate code, and try to learn as much as you can from it. If have any questions feel free to ask, just don’t give up.

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It looks good to me. It seems like nowadays people like to see your portfolio/visuals before your personal information and walls of text. Other than that I really like the CV designed. I think I may gomore in that direction. Text appeals to me :slight_smile:

Thanks @tdreid for feedback :slight_smile: I could not agree more. People nowadays don’t like to read. You have to emphasize important things to be noticed.