It's been about 3 months since I've started

So far it’s been around 3 months since I’ve started learning web development, with some prior programming experience from a certificate program I did a few years back. While I’m pretty happy with what I’m doing and enjoying it a lot, in all honesty I personally feel like I’ve somehow managed to waste a lot of time. Perhaps I should have achieved more during this time. When I initially started, I had expected to at least have a small portfolio in 3 months, but all I have to show for are the tribute page and the portfolio project from FCC.

I first started with a Udemy course. I found out about FCC halfway through the course, so I was doing both for a short while, then wasn’t feeling really good and for quite some time didn’t make much progress. After that I found out about @P1xt’s guides, so decided to follow one of them step by step and never skip anything. I’ve been doing so for the past few weeks, and currently I’m doing the edX CS50 course.

I’m not as satisfied as I had expected with my progress, but at least I feel I’m understanding the material well and so far have a strong basis to build on.

There’s no particular reason for this thread. I just haven’t posted here in a while and was just scrolling around the forum when I thought about this. Just thought I’d share it. What do you think? What’s your progress so far?