I finally got a web developer job after five months of studying!

Congratulations @gsuxlzt, Mabuhay!

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Congratulations! Thatā€™s no small feat.

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Great news man. Congratulations! I love stories like this.

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Good for you brother!!! great work!

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na i inspire mo man ako broā€¦ Salamat sa pag share mo sa iyong life story :slight_smile:

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Congratulations dude.

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Hey, guys. Itā€™s been a long time but hereā€™s an update :slight_smile:

TLDR: I quit my previous job because it sucks. I decided to get my front-end certificate first before applying to new jobs. I got an offer for a front-end developer job in my area and I will start next Monday.

My last job sucks. The pay was way too low for the amount of work I had to do. Iā€™m basically a full-stack developer and I had to learn PHP from scratch in less than a week in order to keep up with the workload. What made me quit is when they told me that they wonā€™t pay me until I finished the task, even though our contract states that Iā€™ll be paid hourly. I have been a freelancer/remote worker for two years but by far thatā€™s the worst experience I got.

So I only lasted a month on my previous job (I quit last December). One of the realizations I had was that my knowledge in web development was not enough. Sure I was able to implement the tasks I had using KnockoutJS (I also have to learn this from scratch), but itā€™s just a long and messy spaghetti code that will probably make you full the longer you look at it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Anyway, so Iā€™ve decided to at least finish the Front-End Certificate first before applying seriously again. I finished the cert last March 24 (yay :smile:). Afterward, a local group of fellow campers in my area decided to have a meetup. I joined in the hopes that I may learn a lot of valuable things from them, and they didnā€™t disappoint. One of the speakers there, @ibleedfilm, is also a web developer who came from a different career. His talk really inspired me to have the courage to apply for office jobs here in my area (I was reluctant to apply because I donā€™t have a diploma to show). Thankfully one startup decided to ask me for an interview for a front-end developer position which happened last Thursday.

The interview was really informal. The questions they asked were not to measure my technical knowledge but to check if I can learn things quickly and follow their methodology. The only technical part was when they asked about my knowledge of AJAX calls, to which I proceed to discuss my projects that involve AJAX calls from external APIā€™s (weather app, Wikipedia viewer etc.)

They offered me the job right after the interview. Iā€™ll start on Monday :smile: The salary is reasonable, me being entry-level, but my focus right now is to gain more experience and knowledge. As long as I can make my ends meet, salary is not important.

Perhaps what made them hire me on the spot is that I was able to leverage myself to be useful to them. I checked the companyā€™s website to know more about the company and noticed that they donā€™t have a blog yet. Since my previous job involves content creation, I marketed myself through that. I told them that I have experience in SEO, and my previous work involves optimizing my clientā€™s profile so that he/she can be searched easily. Because of that, my first project involves launching their blog lol

So there. Hope youā€™ll get something from my post. Itā€™s still a long way to go, so donā€™t stop and keep on learning. :slight_smile:


Keep learning Man, never give up!) Good luck in your professional carier!

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Thank you @sadvokasov :smiley:


Wow Great News
Congratulations :slight_smile:

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