Heroku needs credit cards and I can't have one. What should I do?

I am an Iranian, and as you may know, we can’t have credit cards here. That’s because of some bad decisions our government has made which has made people all around the world think that we are all terrorists and our banks are really limited to our country. Since I’m not trying to make a bomb to blow myself up here, I think it would be fair if FCC could give us an alternative way to upload the projects to.

I also thought about uploading all the projects to a single project on heroku but then I realized that it is required to make a different project for each one, as mentioned by FCC:

Note that for each project, you should create a new GitHub repository and a new Heroku project. If you can’t remember how to do this, revisit https://freecodecamp.com/challenges/get-set-for-our-api-development-projects.

So what do you think I can do about this?

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The free Heroku account does not require a credit card. I just created an account to confirm that this has not changed. You only need an email address.

That’s right, I should have mentioned that Heroku requires a credit card for making more than 5 free projects. It doesn’t charge anything apparently but you just need to enter your credit card information if you want to have more than 5 projects. I’m sorry that I forgot to mention this.

I have currently done 5 projects on Heroku and I can’t make any more because I don’t have a credit card.

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I would either create another account with a separate email address or just use an alternative service. (I haven’t used any, so I can’t offer specific advice.)


That’s a good link. thank you for sharing it. I’m not sure if its OK to use an alternative service though, since Heroku is specifically mentioned in all of the project requirements.

Making another account with another email address is a nice idea! I might try that! :))

As long as your code is publicly viewable, and you have a live demo, you can use whatever you want.


Try www.glitch.com, i currently have 10 projects there with no problem.


It seems a promising service. Thank you. I’ll sure try it!

@Selhar1 already mentioned this, but I just want to reiterate. We are moving to Glitch.com with our beta curriculum, and you can start using it now instead of Heroku. It’s awesome.


That’s awesome. Thank you Quincy for all the effort you are putting on everything. I’ll go for glitch!

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I really like zeit.co - once you’ve installed its cli, you just need to type “now” for it to deploy your code.

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you can use any service were the results can be seen to verify your certs.